
The goal of the game is to discover places around you!
Become the best researcher in your city, your country or even the world!
You can consult your ranking and the list of your discovered places in the Hall of Fame.

To help you, you will receive a notification when a place is less than 150m from you. The light gray dotted circle on the map represents this distance.
When you are 50m from a location, a question will appear to validate that you have found the location. The dark gray dotted circle on the map represents this distance.
If you give the wrong answer, you will have to wait 24 hours before being asked the location question again. Remember to keep the notification Spotcity is running" to receive notifications.

If you need help finding the places you will find items in the shop:

  • the ruler gives the distance you are from the nearest place you haven't discovered yet
  • the compass gives the direction to find the nearest place you haven't discovered yet
  • the holy rule gives the distance for 5 minutes
  • the holy compass gives the direction for 5 minutes

To buy items you will need footprints (in-game currency).
To collect footprints, you have to walk and then press the yellow "Total steps: …" button on the map.
Your footprint count is visible in the orange box above.
Attention, the gauge of steps to recover is limited to 2000 and you must recover your steps within 24 hours otherwise they will be lost.
Do not forget to link the google account used for your registration to google fit so that you can retrieve your steps.

If you think a place is important and should be added, do not hesitate to suggest it to us by going to the settings.

You know enough to get the game off to a good start.
Good game !